
Charcoal Gray

Charcoal gray is a very nearly black gray with hints of green. Charcoal gray can be found in nature in the form of charred wood, but you can also find it in charcoal. The burnt color is subdued and makes for a great complementary color to household favorites. Despite being a neutral, charcoal gray does not pair well with all colors. However, when used with the right colors, it is stunning. For instance, if you pair the hue with browns, greens, turquoise, sands and other grays, you can create an environment that feels like a foggy morning in a hayfield or on the beach. If you pair it with honeys, oranges, and burnt yellows, you have the perfect color combination for fall decorating. For a rustic yet girly feel, mix eggplant, lilac, khaki, pink and white in with charcoal gray. By using colors that are just as subdued as it such as amethyst, violet, blue-gray and blackberry, you can achieve a sophisticated look. Charcoal gray works well in any environment. Many homeowners today use it as a base in their nurseries to create a gender-neutral vibe. Many more use the color even on the exterior of their homes. Because charcoal gray is a neutral, you cannot really go wrong with it. Use it in your seasonal decorating or year-round to create a visually appealing environment.


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