Egyptian cuisine of Koshary, a popular street food made of rice, macaroni, spaghetti and lentils mixed together topped with a spiced tomato sauce, garlic vinegar, fried onions and hummus chickpeas
Egyptian cuisine of Koshary, a popular street food made of rice, macaroni, spaghetti and lentils mixed together topped with a spiced tomato sauce, garlic vinegar, fried onions and hummus chickpeas
Egyptian cuisine of Koshary, a popular street food made of rice, macaroni, spaghetti and lentils mixed together topped with a spiced tomato sauce, garlic vinegar, fried onions and hummus chickpeas
Egyptian cuisine of Koshary, a popular street food made of rice, macaroni, spaghetti and lentils mixed together topped with a spiced tomato sauce, garlic vinegar, fried onions and hummus chickpeas
Egyptian cuisine of Koshary, a popular street food made of rice, macaroni, spaghetti and lentils mixed together topped with a spiced tomato sauce, garlic vinegar, fried onions and hummus chickpeas
Cairo, Egypt, April 13 2024: El Tahrir Koshary Koshari, street food of rice, macaroni, spaghetti and lentils mixed topped with a spiced tomato sauce, garlic vinegar, fried onions, hummus chickpeas
Egyptian cuisine of Koshary, a popular street food made of rice, macaroni, spaghetti and lentils mixed together topped with a spiced tomato sauce, garlic vinegar, fried onions and hummus chickpeas


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Video Beschreibung:

Stock-Video ID: 3480250509

Kairo, Ägypten, 13. April 2024: El Tahrir Koshary Koshari, Streetfood aus Reis, Makkaroni, Spaghetti und Linsen gemischt mit einer gewürzten Tomatensoße, Knoblauchessig, gebratene Zwiebeln, Hummus-Kichererbsen

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