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Flowers image background

Stunning Flower Images and Stock Photos

Flowers are universal, communicating across cultures and languages. There are almost 400,000 types of flowers in the world. Each has a different shape, color, and special meaning. Shutterstock has millions of flower images for you to pick from. We have high-quality flower photography that captures the beautiful array of colors and textures present in flower petals. We also have illustrations of flowers, each in a unique style that shares a different side of flowers, from sweet to sophisticated.

The natural beauty of flower images

Flower images are a popular visual for all types of projects, from digital design and print materials to product packaging and fashion design. As they bloom, flowers signify beauty, sweetness, and life. They are a powerful visual tool because they are filled with natural beauty. Flower images are meant to capture the vibrant colors and unique personality of each type of flower. On top of their colors, flowers also tell unique stories through a language of symbolism. Sunflowers can mean life and longevity, mainly because their blooms last so long. Not surprisingly, roses stand for love and romance. And plumerias, which you probably know as the flower featured on Hawaiian leis, can mean springtime and new beginnings. These layers of meaning make any flower image a powerful creative addition to your project.

Trending flowers images and backgrounds

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Questions about flowers images and backgrounds

What are the popular photos of flowers?

Popular photos of flowers tend to feature colorful blooms arranged in a soft and delicate way. Photographers focus on the colors of the petals, whether they are photographing a meadow or several types of bright flowers in a bouquet. Pinks, purples, and yellows are the most popular colors in flower photos. You’re likely to see sunflowers, roses, daisies and marigolds in these photos since they are the most recognizable types of flowers.

What are the most beautiful flower pictures and why?

The most beautiful pictures of flowers emphasize the best features of flowers — their colors and soft, delicate feel. By focusing on these details, artists tap into the same reason we love to pick flowers in a field or browse arrangements at the store. In photography, beautiful flower pictures might be a close-up of a wedding-day bouquet or a bokeh-filled scene of a sunset meadow. When it comes to illustration and digital art, beautiful flower pictures are often watercolor paintings of blooms and careful hand sketches that remind us of vintage botany posters.

How to search for beautiful flower pictures on Shutterstock?

To search for beautiful flower pictures on Shutterstock, start with a keyword that matches your goal. You can simply search for “flower” to get an all-encompassing list of the most popular flower photos. You can also be more specific in your search by looking for a specific flower type, color, or scene. For example, you might look for “blue flowers in a meadow” or “wedding roses” to find highly specific results. Don’t forget to filter by the image type as well, as flower photos and flower illustrations are two very different styles.

How to find flower images in image search?

To find flower images using search, try some of the powerful search filters on Shutterstock. Once you type in a keyword to start searching, you can refine your search down to the details. Control the colors in the images, if you want people in the image, or even the keywords you don’t want included. One of the best ways to search is to select the image type you want. If you want a sophisticated, real-world image of flowers, look for photos. If you want to find a more charming and fun take on flowers, try an illustration or vector.

What are popular flower symbols?

Many cultures and religions have attached their own meaning to different flowers, so there are many things that flowers symbolize. One popular flower symbol is the daisy, representing joy and simplicity. It makes sense, since daisies are simple to grow and their smiling petals make any viewer happy. Another popular flower symbol is the orchid, which often represents elegance. It is difficult to grow and keep alive, and its many wide-ranging species have made it a sought after exotic bloom whose reputation precedes it.

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How to use flower images creatively

Flower Images for Mother’s Day Gifting flowers on Mother’s Day is a long tradition, so it makes sense to also incorporate flower images into your Mother’s Day creative projects. Cards are one of the most popular places to feature flower images for Mother’s Day. Try an image with a flower border, or a minimalist card with an illustrated bouquet at the center. With so many images to choose from on Shutterstock, you can find a photo or illustration, and even pre-made card templates featuring your recipient’s favorite flower. Flower Images for Social Media If you’re looking to incorporate flower images in your social media presence, try using one as a Facebook cover photo. Cover photos are the first thing someone sees on your page, and a bright, beautiful flower image will inspire anyone who sees it. If you want to make a bold statement, try a flower photo featuring a bright, full bouquet on a dark background. The contrast will define the flowers and make a big statement. If you want to make a graceful entrance, try a flower illustration. Soft watercolor depictions of blooms are especially effective for pages with a sweeter look and feel. Flower Images for Website Background When you’re looking for a flower image to use on your website background, find the balance between noticeable and invisible. Your website background is the foundation for all of your content, so it needs to complement your other visual elements without distracting from them. We suggest sticking to minimalist flower images for your background. You can choose from seamless floral patterns, much like you would see as the print on a spring dress. You can also select a single, non-repeating image with a bouquet offset from center on a solid background. This will leave you some room for text, a button, or anything else you need to include as messaging.

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