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The color peacoat is a dark blue color, deeper in color even than navy blue. Both the color and the name come from the old-fashioned navy peacoats, which were black-blue in color. Peacoat in and of itself is a serious color that demands respect. When you pair it with whites, deep browns, and grays, it continues to hold distinction. That said, this color combination doesn't have to be stuffy. Paint your walls peacoat blue, keep the trim white, and incorporate overstuffed leather furniture in varying shades of brown to create an upscale yet inviting environment. When paired with the right colors, peacoat can be relaxed or even playful. In your living room, pair your peacoat furniture with red and white furniture and accent pieces in fun patterns to help your home look both classy and lived-in. For a more playful vibe, lighten up the deep blue with vivacious colors such as coral, teal, lemon, and lime green. Cultivate a garden-fresh cottage look in your kitchen or living room by introducing floral fabrics with touches of green, daffodil yellow, and carnation pink. Create a playful nautical kids' room by combining red and white with peacoat blue and incorporating maritime touches. With a little help from its friends, peacoat can create a space that is chic, coastal, classic, contemporary, or a mixture of all of the above.


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