
Electric Purple

Electric purple falls precisely halfway between violet and magenta on the color wheel. Because of its precise location, it’s the brightest and purest form of purple you can achieve on a computer screen. In his 1912 book on color nomenclature, Robert Ridgway dubbed electric purple as "true purple". Despite appearing vibrant on an electronic device, electric purple is actually quite saturated. In fact, it has a saturation level of 100 percent and a lightness of 50 percent. Though not categorized as a pastel, its softness gives it the appearance of being a pastel. When decorating with electric purple, be careful as the color can be overpowering in a negative way. However, when used correctly, it can add instant character and sense of fun to your space. Pair electric purple with mustard yellow to recreate a space straight out of the ‘70s. Use light teal as the base color and decorate with electric purple and seafoam green accent pillows and wall décor to create an environment that brings to mind lazy days at the beach. Go big and paint an entire room in electric purple and use accents in varying shades of purple to create a room that is a statement in and of itself. Electric purple is not for everyone. However, if you do decide to use it in the home, use it with gusto.


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